Are You Ready For B2B Sales Growth?

In today's competitive market, being set up for B2B sales success isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity. The cost of not being properly set up can lead to missed opportunities, stagnant growth, and wasted resources. But when you're set up for success, the benefits are transformative—accelerated growth, improved efficiency, and higher revenue.

Our 4 Minute Scorecard Allows You To...

Uncover Sales Opportunities

Prioritise Your Sales Activity

Identify Leaks In Sales Funnel

Map A Successful Sales Function

Benefits Of Being Ready

Clear growth strategy for you and your team

Confidence in the $ you invest into sales and marketing

The power to choose your level of involvement in the sales process

Significant increase in the likelihood of hiring a successful salesperson

Beating the standard 48% first sales hire failure rate

Realistic revenue forecasting

A strong chance of achieving 2-3X revenue growth in your business

Cost Of Not Being Ready

Approximately 20-50% less ROI from your selling time as a founder

Becoming the bottleneck in growth of your business

Not being able to work on what brings you the most joy in your business

50-100% less ROI from the selling time of other team members or salespeople

Spending $ on marketing and sales activities that just don’t work

Ultimately hundreds of thousands in revenue left on the table every year and stagnated growth

Our Formula For Sales Growth


Contextualise Your Sales Efforts To Meet Your Business Goals


What You Need To Get The Most ROI From Your Sales Time


Focus Brings Results, Rhythm Brings Focus And Accountability

4. Tactics

Know How To Unblock Opportunities And Win More Deals

Meet Our Founder, Pete.

Over the last 15 years, Pete Solway has founded multiple business's and built sales teams from scratch.

In previous business ventures, he's raised over $650k and hit 135% of revenue targets. In 2021, he started Founder Sales Solution with a mission to help small business owner's make more sales, reduce the first sales hire failure rate, and see them achieve their goals and personal vision.

Take the assessment and book your free personalised plan with Pete.

A Sales Success Story

Bright Circle 3 X Revenue growth in 6 months

Peter Van Der Merwe

– Bright Circle Founder

The Strategy

Through our personalised plan, we helped our client build stronger sales capacity.

What we did

We trained their team and improved their sales engine.


Bright Circle's revenue 3X from $300K per year to more than $1M

Get Started!

Take The Free 4 Minute Assessment and Book Your Free Personalised Plan