What's The Biggest Risk When Building Up Or Scaling Your B2B Sales?

Pete Solway
06-08-2024 1 minute read

Hiring the wrong first sales rep.

Why? Because 48% of first sales hire's don't work out, sighting The Justified Talent Group here.

What that means for your business?

  • Time spent in training (time the founder/core team don't get back). $5-$25K
  • 3-6 months salary (to realise they're not the right fit). $40K +
  • Lost faith in being able to scale sales beyond yourself
  • And then, there's all the deals that could have been closing that you're missing out on! 💰 💰 💰

Founder, thinking about hiring, here's a couple questions for you:

Do you know what a good sales person looks like? For example, what do you get paying $80K vs $160K?
Do you know the type of sales person that gets results in a small business vs a large business?
What traits are you looking for?

So... How Do You Get This Hire Right?

Step 1 Take the Sales Hire Readiness Assessment

It is by James Michael from Justified Talent. It gives you a structure for knowing when your business has the right support to give your first sales hire a fighting chance at success.
If you need a hand, we've worked with countless business's on increasing their results of this test while increasing revenue.

If you want to dive deep into how to get sales hire ready, see our free 60min workshop here: https://foundersalessolution.com/sales-hire-readiness-materclass/

Step 2 Clarity

Get clear on how much you need to pay to get the skillset you need to hire the right salesperson for your business.
Get clear on the attributes of what makes a salesperson successful in a small business vs a large one. 

Are you ready to grow your B2B sales ?